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Colégio Marista de Carcavelos | When the entrepreneurial attitude makes the difference

Foto do escritor: neschoolsneschools

Biodegradable and compostable plastic bags to collect 'gifts' from dogs. It was with this idea that the students of the Marista de Carcavelos school won the Iberian contest of Fundácion La Caixa - Reto Emprende and the national competition of the program "The Company" going to represent Portugal in the European competition - COYC2020. This is the result of work carried out throughout the year by Colégio Marista de Carcavelos, which has been investing heavily in Education for Entrepreneurship. It should be remembered that the Colegio Marista de Carcavelos is one of the Schools that is part of the NES, having been present in all the moments of the project. Congratulations to Marista de Carcavelos, to the teacher responsible for creating all this entrepreneurial dynamic and all students involved, with special focus on the winning team and who will enjoy a week-long program in Sillicon Valley


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