Entrepreneurship Education | Maltas Vidusskoala
Maltas Secondary School is currently one of the most prestigious schoools in Rezekne , Latvia. There work more than 80 educators, with...
Entrepreneurship Education in Cascais
DNA Cascais is an entrepreneurship agency promoted by the municipality of Cascais that aims to contribute to the promotion, encouragement...
Diana Bratucu | Scoala Gimnaziala Traian " Craiova
Scoala Gimnaziala Traian " Craiova (The Secondary School " Traian ") is located in Craiova, a city from south western Romania, Dolj...
Entrepreneurship Education in Greece
Directorate of Secondary Education of Karditsa (Education Authority) is a decentralized service of the Greek Ministry of Education,...
Network of Entrepreneurial School | Rodrigo Castro
Presentation of the entrepreneurial schools network. Sharing, Inspiring and Learning is the mondset of NES Members. More than a network,...
Apresentação da Rede de Escolas Empreendedoras (Portuguese Language)
Presentation of the entrepreneurial schools network. Sharing, Inspiring and Learning is the mondset of NES Members. More than a network,...
Rondtable | How to create an innovation ecosystem at school
The Roundtable with the theme "How to create an innovation ecosystem at schools", integrated in the conference of the Entrepreneurial...
Rodrigo Castro | How to promote entrepreneurial skills in the classroom
Project Manager at DNA Cascais and project coordinator of the Network of Entrepreneurial Schools, Rodrigo worked at the Entrepreneurship...
Maija Hartmane | Maltas Vidusskoala
Maija Hartmane is the project coordinator of the project "Network of Entrepreneurial School" at Maltas Vidusskoala Know more about the...
NES Conference | Keynote | Building an entrepreneurial mindset
Ciprian Stănescu is Co-Founder of Social Innovation Solutions, an organization offering consultancy and support for NGOs and corporations...
Entrepreneurship education for younger children
Manager at Edu For Future, Facilitator at MDE SuperTeach and teacher and coordinator of ECDL Center, "Traian" Gymnasyum School Craiova,...
NES Conference | Keynote | Promote an entrepreneurial culture through education
Frederico Fezas Vital, CEO for Junior Achievement Portugal, teacher, social entrepreneur and a dreamer with his feet on the earth was the...