Entrepreneurship plays a key role in addressing the global challenges of the XXI century, contributing to a more sustainable development, for the creation of employment opportunities, promoting social value for society and stimulating the development of local territories. It’s crucial to develop educational strategies for Entrepreneurship, where children’s and youngsters can develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that allow them to create social and economic value, empowering them with entrepreneurial skills that allow them to act as an agent of social change.
The European Commission in the communication “Rethinking education: investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes”, emphasizes that, in order to build skills for the XXI century, it’s important to develop transversal skills such as entrepreneurship – and the ability to think critically, take initiative, problem solve and work collaboratively. It’s essential that schools developed in their students entrepreneurial skills through new and creative ways of teaching and learning from primary school to higher education.
Reinforce entrepreneurial education in schools will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial dynamism of our economies. Entrepreneurship and decision-making are essential in a knowledge society, allowing each person to be able to adapt to the constant changes of the world.
For an effective entrepreneurship education project it’s fundamental to engage all school actors - parents, students, teachers, stakeholders and local companies in the municipality. We believe that only with an inclusive and transversal approach will be possible to develop any action of change capable of generating positive results for the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
It is essential to develop new approaches that will enable better support for competitiveness and employment, particularly at regional and local level, but which are also centered on a Glocal perspective, supporting students in the acquisition and development of transversal and entrepreneurial skills.
Network of Entrepreneurial Schools is a project
Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of European Union, that intends to contribute to develop an innovative approach for entrepreneurship education programs.